Monday, June 7, 2010

we are actually the same

Everyone have their own set of problem. Knowing this fact we will realise that the person who is acting like an idiot are actually sad. since they do not know what have been bothering them, they tend to act the way the best know, by making miserable in other people's life.

I know now that everyone has put their strong faces, well at least some have. Admitting that we actually have problem is a huge relief. But denying will cause pain not only emotionally but also mentally.

so why have the judging face when we see other people are struggling to change? Aren't we all the same. At times, different people takes longer time to heal, but many have failed to see what the underlying problem are.

We have to figure out ourselves as the real learning comes form the experience and journey of understanding. i may not have the right answer as i do not know the real situation but you should know since it is you we are talking about.

So lets not judge, as we are all the same. We are all sick emotionally. Some are worst at engaging their own feelings. It is either the pain is too great or the development of emotional intelligent is still too slow. These has cause one to not realise that they too face the same problem.

But life has its ways of getting us to understand. Let us just hope that it would not be too unbearable.

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