Thursday, May 20, 2010

i am ok. hehehhe

hey guys thank you for being sensitive with me. i have been getting advices from you guys and i am thankful for that but i have to admit its still my fault. i shouldn't be in secure. where i am standing right now is far from good. losing friends one by one makes it so hard to be sane. how can i ever be in a relationship if i can't handle my friends? i am sure there is no short cuts for that.

i apologise to my friend for acting childish. i hope i can make an amend to him but i don't think i even deserve that chance. For being such a bitch without knowing the pain that you are going through. i should have listen more. Even at bad or good times i should have acted they best way i can.

when i said to most of my friends about being a good friends,i always did that to remind myself of how i should be. After what had happened i know now that i am way from the person i should be. i would have to pray and think hard from now on. giving excuses would not be good enough to mend a broken friendship.

i want to be the person i wish to be. for better or worse. i must think of how i should control my temper.

sorry again and thank you my fellow friends.